Welcome to Johnstone High School Remote Learning.
Remote learning will operate from Monday 11th January 2021. As far as is possible and reasonable, teachers will endeavour to deliver their timetabled classes remotely. Therefore, pupils will be expected to engage with their timetabled lessons each day.
The remote learning offer will vary across subject areas, but will typically include:
Our S1-3 pupils typically work on Satchel One (formerly Show My Homework) which has built in parental alerts; our S4-6 pupils work on Microsoft (MS) Teams which doesn’t have the parental link but has more functionality. Some teachers of S1-3 are keen to also work with their classes through MS Teams because of this enhanced functionality, and although this is a change from the previous lockdown, we are confident the pupils will cope because junior school use MS Teams in Computing. We have put together an up to date copy of ALL MS Team codes (link below) for every class, S4-6, for every subject. This is recentlay been updated with codes for BGE classes from the following departments: English, Science, PE, HE, ASDAN, Social Subjects and Art.
It is very important that young people are engaging with their timetabled classes from home. We will be actively progressing learning over the next few weeks. This will include the introduction of new content as staff continue with their delivery of the curriculum. For senior classes, SQA work will also continue. It is vital that S4-6 pupils are engaged and active in their learning in order to give themselves the best opportunity to maximise their final grade. I have asked staff to take a note of pupil attendance each period so we can offer families support if a pupil is struggling to engage. Therefore, we will be monitoring online attendance and will be getting in touch with you where we are worried that the young person will potentially fall behind through lack of engagement. If your child is not able to learn from home due to illness, please let us know about this too.
There is a link below to the Johnstone High remote learning website, which is full of teaching materials across a range of subjects, this will also house a list of subject specific links to resources, and any third-party websites that support the curriculum.