Homework is an important tool for consolidating learning and for extending pupil’s knowledge of key curriculum areas. After the difficulties that we have faced over the last eighteen months, we recognise that some of our young people might need some extra help to complete their homework to the best of their ability. Therefore, we are going to run a weekly Homework Club for S1-S3.
The homework club will take place from 3.45-4.45 in Miss Gribben’s Classroom (Eng 3) every Tuesday after school. Pupils will be supported by a range of teachers to ensure that they can complete homework or catch up on class work in a safe and purposeful environment.
All S1-S3 pupils will be welcome weekly, and this will start on Tuesday 26th October 2021.
Please encourage your young person to attend homework club if they need any support, we look forward to seeing lots of pupils on Tuesday!
Colette Gribben
English Teacher
Project Leader BGE Attainment