Learning, advice and support at home

Johnstone High School Pastoral Support Department

Learning, advice and support at home

This is a list of useful websites, apps and organisations that can provide advice, support and information on various issues. Use this guide to help you find support and to take care of yourself, but remember to speak to a trusted adult like a parent/carer/family member or pastoral care teacher if you need help.

This guide is organised by Curriculum for Excellence Health and Wellbeing themes, so some websites (like Childline) may be listed more than once.

Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing
Childline – https://www.childline.org.uk/ or download from the app store or call 0800 11 11You can contact childline about anything, from thinking about suicide to even ordering a pizza! If you don’t want to talk on the phone, they have instant messaging with a counsellor and lots of tips online
The Exchange – https://www.exchange-counselling.com/Our School Counselling Service – pupils and parents can make referrals directly by clicking ‘contact us’ on the menu and then clicking the box ‘to make a referral for a child/young person’
Anna Freud Centre – https://www.annafreud.org/  The website has a wide range of quality resources to support young people and their parents with mental health
Breathing Space – https://breathingspace.scot/They offer advice and support if you need someone to talk too
See Me – https://www.seemescotland.org/Resources and information for young people by young people about talking about mental health
Samaritans – https://www.samaritans.org/They offer 24-hour confidential support service. If you don’t want to call, they have a text and email service, that will get back to you as soon as possible.
Aye Mind – http://ayemind.com/Website with some information of where to go for young people!
Booster Buddy – Download from the app storeYou check in with your buddy daily to wake them up through completing quests. It’s got lots of information and tasks to help you when you are not feelings so good.
Mindshift – Download from the app storeAn app to help with anxiety, with quick help skills and information to help cope with your anxiety
Peak – Download from the app storeA brain trainer app, but it is free and has different games to try each day which can be a very helpful distraction.
Moodtracker – https://www.moodtracker.com/There is a lot of mood trackers you can choose from so find one that suits you!  Track how your mood is doing and look at the coping strategies!
Papyrus – https://papyrus-uk.org/Prevention of Young Suicide, Hopeline free telephone support line if you need someone to talk to
Sleep Scotland – https://www.sleepscotland.org/education/teen-zone/  For advice with healthy sleep routines and habits.
Beat – https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/Eating disorders. Have a great youth services for those in recovery. Also support through online support across Scotland
MeeTwo – Download from the app storeA safe social media solution to wellbeing – it provides fully moderated peer support and expert help.
Runaway Helpline – https://www.runawayhelpline.org.ukYou can contact here if you are thinking about running away, already run away, if you have been away and come back, if you are worried that someone else is going to run away or if they are being treated badly or abused. 
Buzzfeed Mental Health – https://www.buzzfeed.com/tag/mental-healthThere is a lot of links and posts about mental health and tips on coping strategies
Heartstart – https://www.bhf.org.uk/how-you-can-help/how-to-save-a-life/how-to-do-cprCPR and Defibrillator Information
Who Cares? Scotland – https://www.whocaresscotland.org/A national voluntary organisation, working with care experienced young people and care leavers across Scotland.
Renfrewshire Carers Centre – https://renfrewshirecarers.org.uk/Providing essential support to carers in Renfrewshire.
Headspace- https://www.headspace.com/ or download from the app storeA Meditation and Mindfulness app
Fearless – https://www.fearless.org/enInformation about crime and anonymous reporting.
Crimestoppers – https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-informationInformation about crime and anonymous reporting.
Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland – https://www.cypcs.org.uk/rightsInformation about Children and Young People’s Rights
UNCRC – https://www.unicef.org.uk/what-we-do/un-convention-child-rights/Information about Children and Young People’s Rights
St Vincent’s Hospice – http://www.svh.co.uk/Support for people with life limiting conditions, and their families.
Richmond’s Hope – https://www.richmondshope.org.uk/Support for bereaved families.
Child Bereavement UK – https://www.childbereavementuk.org/Support for bereaved families.
Heads Together – https://www.headstogether.org.uk/shout-launches-in-the-uk/A free text messaging service called Shout which aims to connect people experiencing mental health crisis to trained volunteers who provide help at a time when it is most needed
Head’s Up – http://headsup.scot/mental-health-conditions/suicide-self-harm/A website for good mental health across Glasgow and Clyde, it includes information about the types of services that are available across NHSGGC.
NHS Living Life – https://www.nhs24.scot/our-services/living-life/ or call 0800 328 9655A free telephone-based service for people (16+) feeling low, anxious or stressed.
Talktime Scotland – https://www.talktimescotland.co.uk/A unique counselling charity for young people in Scotland aged 12-25 who are either physically disabled or have a long-term health condition.
Action for Happiness – https://www.actionforhappiness.org/coping-calendar or download from the app storeDaily suggested actions to do to bring happiness to others and improve your relationships
Joe Wick’s Workouts for Children – Joe Wicks Workouts for ChildrenShort online exercise videos
NHS Workouts for Children- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-fitness-studio/Short online exercise videos
Very Well Family – https://www.verywellfamily.com/fitness-and-physical-activities-for-school-aged-kids-1257209Ideas to keep children and young people active
Family Fun Activities – https://www.familyfuntwincities.com/physical-activities-for-kids/Ideas to keep children and young people active
Renfrewsire HWB – https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/re/renfrewshirehwb/resources-5/Ideas to keep children and young people active
No Knives Better Lives – https://noknivesbetterlives.com/Knife crime information for young people and parents
Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood
Childline – https://www.childline.org.uk/ or download from the app store or call 0800 11 11You can contact childline about anything, from thinking about suicide to even ordering a pizza! If you don’t want to talk on the phone, they have instant messaging with a counsellor and lots of tips online
Scotland’s Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Resource – https://rshp.scot/Lessons and resources for all curriculum levels, with a section for parental information. In school, S4-6 use Senior Phase section, S1 use Level 3/4 ‘to begin with’, S2 use level 3/4 ‘progression 1’ and S3 use level 3/4 ‘progression 2’. These lessons should not be taught at home, and many have already been delivered in class, but the plans provide information for parents/guardians to support learning at home.
Sandyford Young People – https://youngpeoples.sandyford.org/Sexual health, relationships and parenthood information for young people aged 13 plus. There is a link to leaflets for P6/7 pupils.
CEOP – https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/Child Exploitation and Online Protection reporting
CEOP education resource – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/Child Exploitation and Online Protection information and advice
LGBT Youth Scotland – https://www.lgbtyouth.org.uk/LGBT Youth Scotland provides quality youth work to LGBTI young people and works in partnership for LGBTI equality and human rights. They have lots of useful information and leaflets on their website, as well as online chat services with youth workers.
Stonewall Scotland – https://www.stonewallscotland.org.uk/Stonewall Scotland campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bi and trans people across Britain. They have lots of useful information and leaflets on their website.
Tie Campaign (Time for Inclusive Education) – https://www.tiecampaign.co.uk/our-workThe TIE Campaign successfully campaigned for lgbt inclusive education in Scotland. They have lots of great resources about lgbt equality and support, as well as a page with useful links for info and support if you are worried about the current coronavirus spread.
Mermaids – https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/Supporting gender diverse children, young people and their families. Lots of useful information for parents and young people.
Renfrewshire Women’s Aid – http://www.renfrewshirewomensaid.co.uk/Renfrewshire Women’s Aid SCIO give confidential help and support to women suffering from domestic abuse, as well as children and young people affected by this.
Rape Crisis – https://www.rapecrisisscotland.org.uk/Rape Crisis Scotland provides a national rape crisis helpline and email support for anyone affected by sexual violence, no matter when or how it happened.
Zero tolerance – https://www.zerotolerance.org.uk/Zero Tolerance work to end violence against women through tackling the root cause of this violence – gender inequality.
Dove Self-Esteem Project – https://www.dove.com/uk/dove-self-esteem-project.htmlResources for young people and parents/guardians to help improve self-esteem.
Women and Children First – http://www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/article/2465/Women-and-Children-FirstWomen and Children First can provide a range of support services to women and children who have experienced rape, sexual assault, physical abuse, harassment and/or child sexual abuse, whether in the home or in the wider community.
Planning for Choices and Changes
Childline – https://www.childline.org.uk/ or download from the app store or call 0800 11 11You can contact childline about anything, from thinking about suicide to even ordering a pizza! If you don’t want to talk on the phone, they have instant messaging with a counsellor and lots of tips online
My World of Work – https://www.myworldofwork.co.uk/A SDS resource to support career planning and research. All young people have their own log in and can complete tasks to help them identify potential careers.
Skills Development Scotland – https://www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk/Scotland’s Careers Service
BBC Bitesize – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesizeRevision resources for a variety of subject levels and areas.
Barclay’s Lifeskills – https://barclayslifeskills.com/young-people/Supporting young people with workplace skills development.
RBS Moneysense – https://rbs.mymoneysense.com/home/A free financial education programme for 5-18s- Resources, workshops and more for teachers, students, parents and bank employee volunteers.
SQA Past Papers – https://www.sqa.org.uk/pastpapers/findpastpaper.htmPast Papers and Marking Instructions for all SQA subjects and levels.
SQA My Study Plan – Download from the app storeAn app to support studying for SQA exams
PlanIt Plus –  https://www.planitplus.net/Planit Plus can help you with career planning, subject selection and applying to college and university.

UCAS stands for the University and Colleges Admissions Service. It is the online system by which applications for degree level study are submitted for those applying to higher education institutions in the UK. Students apply through UCAS, which in turn forwards applications to the appropriate universities using the UCAS online system.
Prospects –
Prospects provides information and guidance about graduate jobs and career options.
Student Awards Agency for Scotland –
SAAS is an agency of the Scottish Government giving financial support to eligible students doing a course of higher education in the UK.
Student Loans Company –
Student Loans Company is a non-profit making, government-owned, organisation set up to provide loans and grants to students in universities and colleges in the UK.
National Union of Students –
NUS is a voluntary membership organisation which makes a real difference to the lives of students and its member students’ unions.
Access to the Professions
Access to the Professions is based at the University of Edinburgh. The Access to the Professions team provide advice and guidance to selected local state school students interested in applying for Medicine, Law or Veterinary Medicine.
West College Scotland – https://www.westcollegescotland.ac.uk/ 
West College Scotland Schools Vocational Programme – https://www.westcollegescotland.ac.uk/courses/schools-vocational-programme/These courses are available to study as past of a S4-6 School timetable in columns D and E. The courses are ideal if you want to explore subjects and possible career choices which might not be offered by school. 
Scottish Government Student Information – https://www.studentinformation.gov.scot/Useful information about student finance and student life
Substance Misuse
Childline – https://www.childline.org.uk/ or download from the app store or call 0800 11 11You can contact childline about anything, from thinking about suicide to even ordering a pizza! If you don’t want to talk on the phone, they have instant messaging with a counsellor and lots of tips online
Choices for Life – https://young.scot/campaigns/national/choices-for-life‘Choices for Life’ is a Police Scotland initiative aimed at raising awareness amongst young people aged 11-18, about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs as well as online safety and advice on how to deal with negative peer pressure.
Police Scotland Youth Hub – https://www.scotland.police.uk/youth-hub You can call the Young Scot Infoline on 0808 801 0338 or email infoline@youngscot.org where they answer enquiries from 10am–6pm, Monday to Friday.These pages are specially designed for young people aged between five and nineteen years old, and give a wealth of advice on everything from staying safe, life at home, your rights and where to get help if you need it.
Youth Interventions – http://www.youthinterventions.co.uk/Substance & Alcohol Misuse Practitioners For Teenagers & Young People. Youth Interventions are experts in working with teenagers who are suffering from emotional problems, misusing drink or drugs, isolating and feeling constantly down – or just behaving in ways that are maladaptive to them and cause harm.
Talk to Frank – https://www.talktofrank.com/Find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. Talk to Frank for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol today.
Fearless – https://www.fearless.org/enInformation about crime and substance use.
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs – https://www.sfad.org.uk/Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs is a national charity that supports anyone concerned about someone else’s alcohol or drug use in Scotland.
RADAR – https://www.renfrewshire.hscp.scot/article/5137/Renfrewshire-Adolescent-Drug–Alcohol-Resource-RADARRADAR is Renfrewshire’s Alcohol and Drug Alcohol Resource. Our RADAR team works with young people aged 12-20 who have issues with substance misuse.
Know The Score – http://knowthescore.info/Providing the real facts about drugs, including a helpline as well as online advice and support

This is very much a work in progress, and I hope to keep updating it with more info about each website including phone numbers where relevant. If you know of a good organisation/website/app that supports young people and is not included on this list, or have any edits or feedback, please email gw18butlerrobsonlaur@glow.sch.uk.

With thanks to Lifelink as I carried over their suggested websites and apps to the Mental Wellbeing section, and to the Renfrewshire Children’s Services HWB digital Learning site where I found some additional useful links.

Please feel free to adapt and use in your own settings, crediting as appropriate.

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