S4-S6 Easter School(12th-16th April)
All pupils that signed up for Easter School have been emailed with final details of the schedule and rooming.
Class teachers will post any updates on MS Teams class pages.
When you come to school please remember that:
- You will need to wear your mask at all times.
- Uniform is not required for Easter School classes.
- Please come into school through the main entrance no earlier than 5 mins before the start of your session.
- You will need to maintain 2m Social Distancing ( as you are just now) at all times.
- Please put on your mask, come in through the main entrance, sanitise your hands and head straight to the correct room (these will be displayed in reception)
- We will have water and cereal bars available, please pick these up on arrival.
- Please bring your own stationary, calculators etc. where possible.
- Please wipe down your desks before and after each session.
- Please only attend the sessions you have signed up for as rooms have been assigned based on numbers to allow us to maintain 2m social distancing.
- If you can’t attend your session please let your teacher know through your class MS teams page.
Have a lovely break and we will see you soon!
Ms Cole
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